Women's Attitudes is a survey on gender relations, stereotypes, experience with men and anticipations. Participants were predominantly Generation Z women from big cities like Sofia, Plovdiv, and Stara Zagora. The study found an alarming trend of increasing domestic violence among young couples and women cited men's alcohol abuse as a critical trigger for physical violence. You can see brief statistics here.
The project is powered by Bulgarian Fund For Women.
4 of every 5 women between 18 and 34 years old have been hit by a man. 3 of 4 women hit by man also have been in the position to hit the man.
What irritates you in men's behavior?
“They think they are the stronger gender.”
“Self-confidence with no grounds.”
“Many things, but women are more irritating.”
“They pay attention to stupider, insignificant and irritating women, while otherwise explaining how dumb they are and that they are not important. and so they make them important.”
When women are feeling phisically threatened by a man? 30% - always, 25% - never, 13% - in a scandal, 12% - when he’s too insistent, 10% - when he’s aggressive, 5% - after alcohol abuse.
The biggest compromise you made because of a partner?
“Living with him.”
“Living in Bulgaria.”
“Suppressing my imagination.”
“Forgetting myself.”
“Eating spicy food.”
“Knowing that he is lying to me and accepting it.”
The most disscussed topics in relationships: supremacy, violence, infidelity.
What are the most recurring empty promises from men?
“He will find time for me.”
“He says: "I will change."
“They say they will not cheat.”
“He says: "We will fix this problem!"
“They promise not to drink anymore.”
“They didn't burst out promising me things.”
60% of women believe there is love at first sight. 50% of women believe love could go hand in hand with poligamy. 12% of women define sex as crucial to starting a relationship. 43% of women approve marriage.
The biggest prejudices against women: incompetent to handle, naive, materialistic, if she is pretty, she is stupid, weak and defenseless.
The ideal women and the ideal man according to women
The ideal woman is strong, useful, caring.
The ideal man is clever, brave, faithful.