Ж.к. София изследва градски места и как те оформят живота на хората и местните общности. Проучваме пазари, паркове, автобусни спирки и междублокови пространства, за да проследим как хората се приспособяват към градската среда и как тя влияе на ежедневния им живот. Събираме мненията на гражданите за бедността, обществото и социалните процеси в него. Проектът цели да вкара в публичните разговори актуалните проблеми на хората и да стимулира гласа на гражданите в София.

Panic. fear, stress. We will die from stress, not from Covid. We experience stress while watching the news. But I don’t watch the news. The news is for people who have free time.
— Mother of four in her 40s
Wether a poor man can be free? One is always free, nothing is holding him back. When you are working as a slave, do you have freedom? You depend on them. It’s better to be poor but happy, having tranquility, not stress. When you are working for some people and you have bosses, how do they treat you? Like a dog. Is there any respect? No.
— Working-class guy
We become alienated, we lose each other, friends, neighbors... We are supposed to be in Europe, but we are the poorest, how did that happen?
— A citizen from our neighbourhood
This country cannot be stolen outrageously for so many years. At the end of the day, we expect these thefts to stop and the people to start living normally. Not to mention that from January there will be a price shock that starts with electricity, water and everything else too. That’s enough! We have a threshold of tolerance…
— A making-ends-meet man

